Although many may argue it possible, I myself do not believe that humans will ever live on other planets.
Firstly, for humans to live on other planets is impossible for a biological reason. Each planet has its own unique environments. The earth has its own unique attributes, such as air, mild temperature, water, etc. to which humans have been adapted over time. I believe their existence relies on the environments only found on the earth.
Secondly, even if there is any planet existing in the universe whose environment is friendly enough for humans to live, the long distance between the earth and such planet is prohibitive. Humans have a life span of only 100 years while it takes many light years to travel the long distance. Technologically, it is impossible to migrate.
For these reasons, I believe that humans to live on other planets is only a dream.
(148 words)
4番の問題では、文章の流れから3のfurious を選んだ人も多いと思いますが、問題の文章が could not remain ( ) と否定になっているので、逆または逆に近い意味の単語を選ばなければなりません。選択肢の中ではindifferent(無関心の)だけが文脈にあう形容詞になります。notを読み落とす、よく読まずに答えると間違えやすいトリッキーな問題です。
級にかかわらず英検の長文問題全体にいえることですが、パッセージは読み物としてそれ自体興味深い内容のものが多く、一般教養を広げる効果もあり、勉強の題材として非常にためになり楽しいものが多いです。今回は3D Printing in Healthfareのパッセージが特に興味深いと思いました。このパッセージの中ではPluronic Incなど受験者の誰も知っているはずのない特殊なインクの名称などが出てきますが、もちろんこれらの単語は問題を解くうえで知っている必要はありません。
I support the idea that Japanese companies need to improve their treatment of female workers.
Firstly, women have needs relatively unique to them compared to those of men. Children, particularly when they are infants, tend to require constant care from their mothers. I heard that many female workers quit their job to devote their time to child care at home. I believe that companies have a social responsibility to support their employees to allow them to raise a family.
Secondly, I believe that by improving work conditions for women, they may continue to work longer than otherwise. There are many talented women and ensuring that they can work longer should be beneficial to the employers as well. It is my opinion that keeping capable female workers in a company may be the key to their success.
In conclusion, I believe that Japanese companies should do more to improve the work environment for female workers. (154 words)
級にかかわらず英検の長文問題全体にいえることですが、パッセージは読み物としてそれ自体興味深い内容のものが多く、一般教養を広げる効果もあり、勉強の題材として非常にためになり楽しいものが多いです。今回はThe Gut Microbiomeのパッセージが特に興味深いと思いました。このパッセージの中では生物体の学術名などが出てきますが、もちろんこれらの単語は問題を解くうえで知っている必要はありません。
I do not agree that the number of young people who continue to live with their parents after they finish their education will increase in the future.
Firstly, living alone gives young people more personal freedom. When you live with your parents, you may need to abide by the house rules which can, at times, be bothersome for the young. I certainly would prefer to live alone when I grow up.
Secondly, there are more jobs available in modern societies. With more opportunities to earn money for the young, it will be increasingly more affordable for young people to live alone as they make their own livings. It is possible that in the past many people lived with their parents because of concerns about the cost of living.
To conclude, I think more young people will live alone separately from their parents after graduating college because of the reasons above.
(150 words)
単語の問題では2番のwitherは少し難しい問題と思います。21番のbe conditional on という語句は~を条件としてというよく使用される表現で、覚えておくと作文するときにも便利です。